
This Just In...

A news broadcast "special report" was on our local station today that talked about a study concerning increasing numbers of accidents and injuries to people texting... And falling off a sidewalk.  Really.  This is news-worthy.  Had I been in charge of that story, I think I would have just said, "This just in: People are stupid."

Perhaps this is showing my age, but I'm fairly old-fashioned when it comes to phone usage.  I don't answer my phone when I am with others and rarely text.  I want to be in the present- to make the most of the time I have with my friends and family.  Those moments are times that God has provided for a purpose, and those people are important to me so I want them to know that they are.  Also, voicemail is there for a reason.

We as a culture are so engrossed in multi-tasking that the quality of what we are trying to do all at once drops drastically.  We have nature and beauty all around us, so look up when you are walking.  Enjoy the variety of colors on the leaves and the way they fall from the trees.  Take in the freshness in the air.  Appreciate the variety of face shapes and gloriousness of differently colored skin.  Listen to the wide array of timbres and pitches of sounds.  Don't miss what is around you-- it is so much more than a tiny screen of words and manufactured pictures.  Put the phone away, get your mind off of yourself, and learn to love the world around you.  That world shouts volumes of the One who created it.

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