
Geeking Out

It is a close personal belief that everyone geeks out in their own right. When I was growing up, it was not at all unheard of for dinner table discussions to be centered around internal combustion engines or hybrid vehicle technology. Dinner table discussions during college often consisted of math and physics equations because I happened to be close with friends who were crazy enough to WANT to spend their late nights hovered over a slide rule. I should note that in both of these instances, I was typically a not participant, but rather an observer whose eyes began to glaze over shortly into the conversation.

I have found that one of the greatest things about being married to the man that I am is that we often geek out over the same things. On more than one occasion, we have been known to sit in out living room... With those annoying recorder instruments that every third grader in America is forced to learn... Figuring out pop music songs.

With harmony.

And sometimes in a round.

And although our geekdom often overlaps, I've found that I simply cannot claim the same excitement for chemistry humor or the latest video of Skyrim glitches. My ignorance is slowly (very slowly) waning in some of areas in which my husband geeks out. I plan to share some of this in the future, and can hopefully give some of the women an insight into the geekyness of the male mind. Until then, live long and... and... yeah.

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